Results for 'Adele M. Holcomb'

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  1. A neglected classical phase of Turner's art: His vignettes to Rogers's italy.Adele M. Holcomb - 1969 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 32 (1):405-410.
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  2. Turner and Scott.Adele M. Holcomb - 1971 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 34 (1):386-397.
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    Pattern destabilization and emotional processing in cognitive therapy for personality disorders.Adele M. Hayes & Carly Yasinski - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  4. Speed/accuracy trade-offs in target-directed movements.Réjean Plamondon & Adel M. Alimi - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):279-303.
    This target article presents a critical survey of the scientific literature dealing with the speed/accuracy trade-offs in rapid-aimed movements. It highlights the numerous mathematical and theoretical interpretations that have been proposed in recent decades. Although the variety of points of view reflects the richness of the field and the high degree of interest that such basic phenomena attract in the understanding of human movements, it calls into question the ability of many models to explain the basic observations consistently reported in (...)
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    Learning argument structure generalizations.Adele E. Goldberg, Devin M. Casenhiser & Nitya Sethuraman - 2004 - Cognitive Linguistics 15 (3).
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    The influence of executive capacity on selective attention and subsequent processing.Kirk R. Daffner, Elise C. Tarbi, Anna E. Haring, Tatyana Y. Zhuravleva, Xue Sun, Dorene M. Rentz & Phillip J. Holcomb - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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    Can cancer registries show whether treatment is contributing to survival increases for melanoma of the skin at a population level?Adel Shahnam, David M. Roder, Elizabeth A. Tracey, Susan J. Neuhaus, Michael P. Brown & Michael J. Sorich - 2014 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 20 (1):74-80.
  8. Cognitive development.M. S. Albert, Adele D. Diamond, R. H. Fitch, Helen J. Neville, Petere R. Rapp & Paula A. Tallal - 1999 - In M. J. Zigmond & F. E. Bloom, Fundamental Neuroscience.
  9.  21
    Hebrew Verse Structure.Adele Berlin & M. O'Connor - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (2):392.
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    The 2N-ary Choice Tree Model for N-Alternative Preferential Choice.Lena M. Wollschläger & Adele Diederich - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Corporate Wrongdoing.John Lipinski, Adele Queiroz, Jaime C. Rubin & M. J. Paula Soruco - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:263-266.
    This paper aims at exploring the relationship between corporate wrongdoing and CEOs’careers. We hypothesize that the managerial labor market does not punish CEOs of companies involved with wrongdoing. The analysis of data on 16 companies charged by the SEC supports this hypothesis.
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    Integration of Heterogeneous Biological Data in Multiscale Mechanistic Model Calibration: Application to Lung Adenocarcinoma.Claudio Monteiro, Adèle L’Hostis, Jim Bosley, Ben M. W. Illigens, Eliott Tixier, Matthieu Coudron, Emmanuel Peyronnet, Nicoletta Ceres, Angélique Perrillat-Mercerot & Jean-Louis Palgen - 2022 - Acta Biotheoretica 70 (3):1-24.
    Mechanistic models are built using knowledge as the primary information source, with well-established biological and physical laws determining the causal relationships within the model. Once the causal structure of the model is determined, parameters must be defined in order to accurately reproduce relevant data. Determining parameters and their values is particularly challenging in the case of models of pathophysiology, for which data for calibration is sparse. Multiple data sources might be required, and data may not be in a uniform or (...)
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    Predictors of consent to cell line creation and immortalisation in a South African schizophrenia genomics study.Megan M. Campbell, Jantina de Vries, Sibonile G. Mqulwana, Michael M. Mndini, Odwa A. Ntola, Deborah Jonker, Megan Malan, Adele Pretorius, Zukiswa Zingela, Stephanus Van Wyk, Dan J. Stein & Ezra Susser - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):72.
    Cell line immortalisation is a growing component of African genomics research and biobanking. However, little is known about the factors influencing consent to cell line creation and immortalisation in African research settings. We contribute to addressing this gap by exploring three questions in a sample of Xhosa participants recruited for a South African psychiatric genomics study: First, what proportion of participants consented to cell line storage? Second, what were predictors of this consent? Third, what questions were raised by participants during (...)
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    Arcology: The City in the Image of ManThe Sketchbooks of Paolo SoleriThe Bridge between Matter and Spirit Is Matter Becoming Spirit.Holcombe M. Austin & Paolo Soleri - 1974 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 33 (1):115.
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  15. (1 other version)Sociobiology.Harmon Holcomb & Jason M. Byron - 2005 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The term 'sociobiology' was introduced in E. O. Wilson's Sociobiology: The New Synthesis (1975) as the application of evolutionary theory to social behavior. Sociobiologists claim that many social behaviors have been shaped by natural selection for reproductive success, and they attempt to reconstruct the evolutionary histories of particular behaviors or behavioral strategies. This survey attempts to clarify and evaluate the aim of sociobiology. Given that a neutral account is impossible, this entry does the next best thing. It takes sociobiology as (...)
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    Corruption and Campaign Finance Law.John M. Holcomb - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:190-201.
    This paper explains and criticizes the definition of corruption used by the U.S. Supreme Court in its campaign finance decisions and proposes components of a new definition to be applied by the Court. The paper also offers a preliminary assessment of the impact of the Citizens United v. FEC decision of 2010, and suggests that much of the analysis to date has been inaccurate or superficial. Further, given the Court’s expansive analysis and application of the First Amendment to corporate political (...)
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    Corporate Electoral Activities and the 2012 Elections: Impact of the Citizens United Decision.John M. Holcomb - 2013 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 24:188-198.
    This paper challenges the conventional wisdom concerning the impact of the Citizens United v. FEC decision by examining the flow of corporate money into the 2012 election. The decision, which is consistent with most prior case law and was not a radical departure, promoted the use of super PACs and 501-c committees for political money that were not widely used by corporations, and the super PACs and c-4 committees were largely ineffective in the 2012 election. They also did not produce (...)
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    Corporate Global Citizenship.John M. Holcomb - 2003 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 22 (2):21-49.
  19. How greens have grown.John M. Holcomb - 1990 - Business and Society Review 75:20-25.
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    The Gulf Oil Spill.John M. Holcomb - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:365-378.
    This paper applies an eight-step model of crisis management to the Gulf Oil disaster and discusses potential legal liabilities for BP. The eight steps are: ascertaining the facts, portraying the problem, allocating responsibility, responding to critics, adopting new policies, implementing new procedures, utilizing political/legal tactics, and costs in money and credibility. While crisis management responses often fall into either uniformly positive or uniformly negative patterns and outcomes, the BP case falls into a more complex pattern, where the company did some (...)
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    Fractional-Order and Memristive Nonlinear Systems: Advances and Applications.Ahmed G. Radwan, Ahmad Taher Azar, Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan, Jesus M. Munoz-Pacheco & Adel Ouannas - 2017 - Complexity:1-2.
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    Evidence for Trait Related Theory of Mind Impairment in First Episode Psychosis Patients and Its Relationship with Processing Speed: A 3 Year Follow-up Study.Rosa Ayesa-Arriola, Esther Setién-Suero, Karl D. Neergaard, Adele Ferro, Mar Fatjó-Vilas, Marcos Ríos-Lago, Soraya Otero, Jose M. Rodríguez-Sánchez & Benedicto Crespo-Facorro - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Establishing norms with metanorms in distributed computational systems.Samhar Mahmoud, Nathan Griffiths, Jeroen Keppens, Adel Taweel, Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon & Michael Luck - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 23 (4):367-407.
    Norms provide a valuable mechanism for establishing coherent cooperative behaviour in decentralised systems in which there is no central authority. One of the most influential formulations of norm emergence was proposed by Axelrod :1095–1111, 1986). This paper provides an empirical analysis of aspects of Axelrod’s approach, by exploring some of the key assumptions made in previous evaluations of the model. We explore the dynamics of norm emergence and the occurrence of norm collapse when applying the model over extended durations. It (...)
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  24. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    Handling Imbalance Classification Virtual Screening Big Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms.Sahar K. Hussin, Salah M. Abdelmageid, Adel Alkhalil, Yasser M. Omar, Mahmoud I. Marie & Rabie A. Ramadan - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-15.
    Virtual screening is the most critical process in drug discovery, and it relies on machine learning to facilitate the screening process. It enables the discovery of molecules that bind to a specific protein to form a drug. Despite its benefits, virtual screening generates enormous data and suffers from drawbacks such as high dimensions and imbalance. This paper tackles data imbalance and aims to improve virtual screening accuracy, especially for a minority dataset. For a dataset identified without considering the data’s imbalanced (...)
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    Covid-19 and education in Morocco as a potential model of concern for North Africa: a short commentary.Mohamed Abioui, Mohamed Dades, Yuriy Kostyuchenko, Mohammed Benssaou, Jesús Martínez-Frías, Lhassan M’Barki, Sarrah Ezaidi, Asmae Aichi, Andrea Di Cencio, Adele Garzarella & Carlos Neto de Carvalho - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 5 (2):145-150.
    The key problems and challenges connected with the Covid-19 pandemic in the field of education in sub-Saharan Africa are described in this paper. The study is based on the information collected from teachers and parents during the lockdown. The main problems connected with the organization of distance learning, such as the availability and accessibility of electricity and stable communications, were described. The main questions connected with the support of e-learning such as unequal access to distance education platforms and tools and (...)
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    Books for review and for listing here should be addressed to Emily Zakin, Review Editor, Department of Philosophy, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056.Thomas Baldwin, William Bechtel, Adele Abrahamsen, Richard Boothby, Thomas C. Brickhouse, Nicholas D. Smith, Mario Bunge, Steven M. Cahn, Peter Markie & David Cockburn - 2002 - Teaching Philosophy 25 (1):107.
  28. On believing that time does not flow, but thinking that it seems to.Kristie Miller, Alex Holcombe & Andrew J. Latham - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Hoerl & McCormack posit two systems – the temporal updating system and the temporal reasoning system – and suggest that they explain an inherent contradiction in people's naïve theory of time. We suggest there is no contradiction. Something does, however, require explanation: the tension between certain sophisticated beliefs about time, and certain phenomenological states or beliefs about those phenomenological states. The temporal updating mechanism posited by H&M may contribute to this tension.
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    Werner Jaeger: Five Essays. Translated by Adele M. Fiske. With a Bibliography of Werner Jaeger prepared by Herbert Bloch. Pp. ix + 171. Montreal: Mario Casalini, 1966. Cloth, $7.50. [REVIEW]J. S. Morrison - 1971 - The Classical Review 21 (2):309-309.
  30. Adele Cantoni Camilli: "Una filosofia come diario". [REVIEW]M. T. Antonelli - 1951 - Giornale di Metafisica 6 (2):196.
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    Holcombe McCulloch Austin, 1909-2003.John H. M. Austin - 2003 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 76 (5):158 -.
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  32. Wiesbaden und Rüdiger Safranski m Ludger Lütkehaus [Hrsg.], Die Schopenhauers. Der Familien-Briefwechsel von Adele, Arthur, Heinrich Floris und Johanna Schopenhauer. [REVIEW]Margit Ruffing - 1992 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch:173-178.
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    Who Gave the World Syphilis? The Haitian Myth. Richard C. Holcomb.M. Ashley-Montagu - 1938 - Isis 28 (1):101-102.
  34.  64
    A Companion to Cognitive Science.George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.) - 1998 - Blackwell.
    Part I: The Life of Cognitive Science:. William Bechtel, Adele Abrahamsen, and George Graham. Part II: Areas of Study in Cognitive Science:. 1. Analogy: Dedre Gentner. 2. Animal Cognition: Herbert L. Roitblat. 3. Attention: A.H.C. Van Der Heijden. 4. Brain Mapping: Jennifer Mundale. 5. Cognitive Anthropology: Charles W. Nuckolls. 6. Cognitive and Linguistic Development: Adele Abrahamsen. 7. Conceptual Change: Nancy J. Nersessian. 8. Conceptual Organization: Douglas Medin and Sandra R. Waxman. 9. Consciousness: Owen Flanagan. 10. Decision Making: J. (...)
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  35. Breach of antitrust rules and consumer protection : class action and private enforcement in Italy and the U.S.A.Adele Pastena - 2016 - In Giuseppe Limone, Ars boni et aequi: il diritto fra scienza, arte, equità e tecnica. Milano: F. Angeli.
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  36. Constructions: a new theoretical approach to language.Adele E. Goldberg - 2003 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7 (5):219-224.
    A new theoretical approach to language has emerged in the past 10–15 years that allows linguistic observations about form–meaning pairings, known as ‘construc- tions’, to be stated directly. Constructionist approaches aim to account for the full range of facts about language, without assuming that a particular subset of the data is part of a privileged ‘core’. Researchers in this field argue that unusual constructions shed light on more general issues, and can illuminate what is required for a complete account of (...)
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  37. Phenomena and mechanisms: Putting the symbolic, connectionist, and dynamical systems debate in broader perspective.Adele A. Abrahamsen & William P. Bechtel - 2006 - In Robert Stainton, Contemporary Debates in Cognitive Science. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Cognitive science is, more than anything else, a pursuit of cognitive mechanisms. To make headway towards a mechanistic account of any particular cognitive phenomenon, a researcher must choose among the many architectures available to guide and constrain the account. It is thus fitting that this volume on contemporary debates in cognitive science includes two issues of architecture, each articulated in the 1980s but still unresolved: " • Just how modular is the mind? – a debate initially pitting encapsulated mechanisms against (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Nidus Idearum. Scilogs, XI: in-turns and out-turns.Florentin Smarandache - 2023 - Grandview Heights: Educational Publisher.
    In this eleventh book of scilogs – called in-turns and out-turns –, one may find new and old questions and solutions, referring mostly to topics on Neutrosophy, but also Multispace, with miscellaneous addition of topics on Physics, Mathematics, or Sociology – email messages to research colleagues, or replies, notes about authors, articles, or books, spontaneous ideas, and so on. -/- Exchanging ideas with Prem Kumar Singh, Feng Liu, Nicolae Bălașa, Jimmy Quellet, Minodora Rușchița, Frank Gelli, A. R. Vătuiu, Victor Christianto, (...)
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    Student academic dishonesty: What do academics think and do, and what are the barriers to action?Adele Thomas & Gideon P. De Bruin - 2012 - African Journal of Business Ethics 6 (1):13.
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    Making one's way through the data.Adele E. Goldberg - 1996 - In Masayoshi Shibatani & Sandra A. Thompson, Grammatical Constructions: Their Form and Meaning. Clarendon Press. pp. 29--53.
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    Argument Structure Constructions versus Lexical Rules or Derivational Verb Templates.Adele E. Goldberg - 2013 - Mind and Language 28 (4):435-465.
    The idea that correspondences relating grammatical relations and semantics (argument structure constructions) are needed to account for simple sentence types is reviewed, clarified, updated and compared with two lexicalist alternatives. Traditional lexical rules take one verb as ‘input’ and create (or relate) a different verb as ‘output’. More recently, invisible derivational verb templates have been proposed, which treat argument structure patterns as zero derivational affixes that combine with a root verb to yield a new verb. While the derivational template perspective (...)
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    On The Decision Problem For Two-variable First-order Logic, By, Pages 53 -- 69.Erich Gr\"Adel, Phokion Kolaitis & Moshe Vardi - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 (1):53-69.
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    (1 other version)Martine Watrelot & Michèle Hecquet (dir.), Le compagnon du Tour de France de George Sand.Nicolas Adell - 2010 - Clio 32.
    Pour le bicentenaire conjoint des naissances de George Sand (1804-1876) et d’Agricol Perdiguier (1805-1876), Michèle Hecquet et Martine Watrelot ont eu l’heureuse initiative d’organiser à l’université de Lille 3, en décembre 2005, deux journées d’étude consacrées à l’analyse du Compagnon du Tour de France (1840), roman de G. Sand que l’on sait largement inspiré de la vie d’Agricol Perdiguier, compagnon menuisier, et de son Livre du compagnonnage (1839). Le résultat laisse un sentiment mitigé,...
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    Gênese do complexo da arte: um estudo fundamentado na estética Lukacsiana / Genesis of the art complex: a study based on lukacsian aesthetics.Adele Cristina Braga Araujo & Josefa Jackline Rabelo - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020006.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar como se estabelecem os estudos do filósofo húngaro Georg Lukács sobre a origem do complexo da arte a partir das formas abstratas do reflexo estético da realidade, a saber: ritmo, simetria e proporção e ornamentística. Tais categorias configuram-se, conforme os estudos de Lukács, em princípios; em elementos estruturais da produção artística, os quais são diversos, orientados por funções as mais variadas e já bastante evoluídas e que, de forma excepcional, no caso da ornamentística, mantiveram (...)
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    Faculty reluctance to report student plagiarism: A case study.Adèle Thomas - 2017 - African Journal of Business Ethics 11 (1).
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    "Fair Ones of a Purer Caste": White Women and Colonialism in Nineteenth-Century British Columbia.Adele Perry - 1997 - Feminist Studies 23 (3):501.
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  47. From Reactive to Endogenously Active Dynamical Conceptions of the Brain.Adele Abrahamsen & William Bechtel - unknown
    We contrast reactive and endogenously active perspectives on brain activity. Both have been pursued continuously in neurophysiology laboratories since the early 20thcentury, but the endogenous perspective has received relatively little attention until recently. One of the many successes of the reactive perspective was the identification, in the second half of the 20th century, of the distinctive contributions of different brain regions involved in visual processing. The recent prominence of the endogenous perspective is due to new findings of ongoing oscillatory activity (...)
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    L’écriture de la sexualité.Nicolas Adell-Gombert - 2006 - Clio 23:293-309.
    À partir de l’exemple de deux autobiographies, celles de Jacques-Louis Ménétra et d’Agricol Perdiguier, tous deux compagnons du Tour de France, il s’agit d’établir des constantes de l’écriture de soi. La perspective adoptée, le discours sur la sexualité, sert de point d’ancrage. Après avoir déterminé les sphères d’énonciation de la sexualité des deux compagnons, le ludique chez Ménétra, l’altérité chez Perdiguier, on en vient à établir, au-delà des spécificités de chacun, une permanence des formes et, partant, des règles de transformation (...)
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    Internal governance imperatives for universities.Adele Thomas - 2014 - African Journal of Business Ethics 4 (1):25.
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  50. La philosophie du vivant de Maurice Merleau-Ponty: La vie comme puissance créatrice de mondes.Adèle Thorens - 2005 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 137 (3).
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